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Retrieving the date an attribute was set to a specific value

Honored Contributor



I'm trying to run a query that will provide a list of applications where the status was set to the "Retired" value within the past 10 days. Does anyone have any ideas on the most efficient way to retrieve the date a MetaAttribute was set to a specific MetaAttributeValue? 




3 Replies

I believe there is a update available from mega which increases the performance of logs retrieval. Other then the current solution to audit I am not aware of any other solution.



thanks for the reply. I have been trying to do this, but performance is pretty slow, since the script has to run through all the log items - in some cases we have applications that have 2-3 years of changes logged. I was curious if there was maybe a quicker way to do this.


Thank you!

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

In my case i would use something like if you has logs enabled:


Select [ChangeItemDataPublic] Into @cidp Where [Creation Date]> "12/17/2018 2:00 pm" And [MetaAttribute] = "Application Template"
Select [Application] Into @apps Where [Application Template] = "Yes"
Select [Application] From @apps Where [ChangeItemDataPublic Log] in @cidp