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Rejoignez notre groupe d'utilisateurs français ! Connectez-vous avec d'autres passionnés de nos prod...

4 Posts

German Blog

Lesen Sie Expertenmeinungen zu den neuesten Trends in den Bereichen Digitale und IT-Transformation.

37 Posts

Italian Blog

Leggi le opinioni degli esperti sulle più recenti tendenze della trasformazione aziendale e IT.

36 Posts

HOPEX Aquila Preview

We appreciate all the questions raised during our customer webinar and are happy to provide answers ...

6 Posts

HEXA (Beta)

Ask questions, find answers to common inquiries, and share experiences to enhance your HEXA usage, t...

0 Posts

Groupe utilisateur | DORA

Rejoignez ce groupe utilisateur dédié aux personnes concernées par la réglementation DORA. Ce groupe...

0 Posts

Activity in Groups & Blogs

HOPEX Aquila - Les nouveautés

FAQ   Quid de la lecture / reconnaissance automatique d'images, de schemas, pour transformation dans un metamodel cible ? UML, Archimate,... ? Cela fait partie des sujets en cours d'étude et de développement par notre équipe R&D. Le moteur de générat...

Mega JUEVES #30: Hopex 360

¡Hola Comunidad Mega!Durante este Webinar, @lcantu  y @ycarreno  hablamos de un componente muy interesante que ofrece Mega y que para cualquier organización será beneficioso a la hora de publicar la información en su intranet: Portal Hopex 360.Explic...

HOPEX Aquila - Enterprise Architecture

Concerning the New HOPEX features, are there any additional features instead for Application Portfolio Management? Beyond the UX improvements, HOPEX Aquila provides new functional features that will accelerate APM practices. The main ones will be: AI...

MEGA Jueves #28: TOGAF 10

¡Hola Comunidad Mega!En este Webinar, @lcantu  y @ycarreno hablamos sobre un tema muy importante para optimizar la estrategia de negocio, alinear los objetivos de TI con los objetivos comerciales y adquirir una Arquitectura Empresarial coherente: TOG...

lcantu by MEGA
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HOPEX Aquila – Common features

What features are available regarding validation? Eg, workflows to have junior staff uploading and filling in data, and senior staff approving before publishing HOPEX provides out-of-the-box workflow, for each solution BPA, GRC, EA... Workflow can be...

HOPEX Aquila - Upgrading

Is the new interface granted to all current users? or does it require a change of contract? At no cost and without any contractual modifications, you can seamlessly migrate your existing HOPEX platform to HOPEX Aquila.   How would it go with the curr...

jnoel by MEGA
  • 4 replies
  • 2 kudos

HOPEX Aquila - Business Process Analysis

Any roadmap update [Dates] on being able to model processes using ChatGPT? We're thrilled to inform you that we're in the final phase of developing this exciting new feature. We're making significant progress and anticipate having a client-ready vers...

HOPEX Aquila - Archimate

Will ArchiMate 3.2 be available with that version? The update to Archimate 3.2 is planned for 2024, not for the HOPEX Aquila release.   Can we import Archimate files? Archimate 3.1 is still supported with HOPEX Aquila and HOPEX V5, including Archi im...

HOPEX Aquila – Installation and deployment

Will HOPEX Aquila be available on-premises?  While most of our new customers are currently choosing SaaS, it's important to clarify that our existing customers will always have the option to continue using our on-premises solutions in the future. We ...

Plan MEGA Jueves 2022

Hola buenas tardes a todos Colegas, estamos haciendo la planeación de los MEGA Jueves 2022, ¿Qué temas les gustaría ver en este espacio? Opciones :Gobierno de informaciónArquitectura de InformaciónObsolescencia tecnológica Plan de continuidad de nego...

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