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How to find words into link comment?

Trusted Contributor

Hi community.


Doubt, it's possible seek, specifics words that are contained in a link comment?

For example, we have an Impact diagram, we did a relationship between 2 applications, and we added a comment in that relationship using "link comment", how i could seek an specific word or words located in that "link comment"?

3 Replies


Well, even with your image, I do not exactly understand what you want.

If you want, for example, the list of all applications linked to "Oracle Financials" with a "component/Aggregation of" link, which link comment contains "exponen" you should write :

Select Application Where [Aggregation of].([short name] "Oracle Financials" And [Link Comment] Like "#exponen#") OR [Component].([short name] "Oracle Financials"  And [Link Comment] Like "#exponen#")


Trusted Contributor

Yes i suppose queries could help, I'm attaching an image to be more specific, in the center we can see the application "Oracle Fiancials" and its assosiations, at right, we are showing a link comment, specifically with the other application called BI qlicksense.
How should be the query if i want to searh the word "exponen", contained in the link comment?


Hi there,

Are you talking about queries ?

If it is the case, there is no problem to do what you want.

To access a link metaAttribute... you need to "go through" the link.

Your query should look like :

Select [Application] Where <yourMetaAssociationEnd>.[Link Comment] like "#xxx#"

For example, the following query 

Select [Application] Where [Composante].[Link comment] like "#test#"

will list all applications linked to another application by the "Composante" link with a link comment containing the word "test".