18-11-2016 12:29 PM
The standard RTF table example is very simple. Thought this might be useful for others to use or adapt. This macro can be inserted into an RTF descriptor for Organizational Process objects. It will produce a list of Operations and their responsible Org-Units in a nicely formatted table and replace any nasty-looking RTF bullets with proper Word bullet styles.
Option Explicit ' oObject Current occurrence ' oContext ' oContext.StyleSheet Stylesheet that is used ' oContext.Current Current occurrence ' oContext.Parent Parent occurrence from a link or request ' oContext.Root Entry point occurrence of the description ' oContext.Document Current MEGA document ' oContext.GenerationMode rtf generation mode ' oContext.IsConfidential oObject As MegaObject. return bIsConfidential As bool ' sUserData Unused ' sResult rtf text to be inserted in the document during generation Public Sub BulletReplacer(oWordApplication, oWordDocument) TurnBulletIntoStyle "^0183", "My Table List Bullet", oWordApplication, oWordDocument TurnBulletIntoStyle ChrW(61623), "My Table List Bullet", oWordApplication, oWordDocument TurnBulletIntoStyle "o", "My Table List Bullet 2nd Indent", oWordApplication, oWordDocument TurnBulletIntoStyle "-", "My Table List Bullet 3rd Indent", oWordApplication, oWordDocument End Sub Private Sub TurnBulletIntoStyle(strBulletChar, strReplacementStyle, oWordApplication, oWordDocument) ' Explanation of parameters ' strBulletChar - when you paste text with bullets into an RTF attibute, e.g. the Comments section of an Operation object, ' the bullets get turned into characters and tabs. This sub finds every strBulletChar followed by a tab. ' strReplacementStyle - the name of the bullet style in the MS Word .dot style sheet that the descriptor is using. Dim boolFormat ' As Boolean Dim boolMatchCase ' As Boolean Dim boolMatchWildcards ' As Boolean With oWordApplication ' Get the current settings With .Selection.Find boolFormat = .Format boolMatchCase = .MatchCase boolMatchWildcards = .MatchWildcards End With ' Select everything .Selection.WholeStory .Selection.LanguageID = 2057 .CheckLanguage = False .Selection.NoProofing = False ' Set up the find/replace .Selection.Find.ClearFormatting .Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting .Selection.Find.Replacement.Style = oWordDocument.Styles(strReplacementStyle) With .Selection.Find .Text = strBulletChar & "^t(?)" .Replacement.Text = "\1" .Forward = True .Wrap = 1 .Format = True .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchKashida = False .MatchDiacritics = False .MatchAlefHamza = False .MatchControl = False .MatchWildcards = True .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchAllWordForms = False End With ' Do the find/replace .Selection.Find.Execute ,,,,,,,,,,2 ' Leave things how we found them With .Selection.Find .Format = boolFormat .MatchCase = boolMatchCase .MatchWildcards = boolMatchWildcards End With End With End Sub Function TableStyleApply(oTable) Const wdLineWidth050pt = 4 Const wdLineStyleSingle = 1 Const wdBorderTop = -1 Const wdBorderLeft = -2 Const wdBorderBottom = -3 Const wdBorderRight = -4 Const wdBorderHorizontal = -5 Const wdBorderVertical = -6 oTable.Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle oTable.Borders(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle oTable.Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle oTable.Borders(wdBorderRight).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle oTable.Borders(wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle oTable.Borders(wdBorderVertical).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle oTable.Rows(1).Range.Font.Bold = True oTable.Rows(1).HeadingFormat = True oTable.Rows(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = 15132390 oTable.Columns(1).SetWidth 78, 3 oTable.Columns(2).SetWidth 285, 3 oTable.Columns(3).SetWidth 75, 3 oTable.Rows.LeftIndent = 43 End Function Sub BuildOperationTable(oTable, oOperations, oContext) Dim intCount Dim oOperation Dim strCrLf Dim strOrgUnits Dim oOrgUnits Dim oOrgUnit intCount = oTable.Rows.Count oTable.Cell(intCount, 1).Range.Text = "Activity" oTable.Cell(intCount, 2).Range.Text = "Description" oTable.Cell(intCount, 3).Range.Text = "Roles" oTable.Cell(intCount, 1).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 oTable.Cell(intCount, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 oTable.Cell(intCount, 3).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 For Each oOperation in oOperations oTable.Rows.Add() intCount = intCount + 1 strCrLf = "" strOrgUnits = "" Set oOrgUnits = oContext.Root.GetSelection("Select [Org-Unit] Where [Operation].([Name] = """ & oOperation.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ And ([Organizational Process] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ Or [Organizational Process].[Aggregation of] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """) And [RACI] = 'Accountable') Or [Assigned Participants].([Performed Action]:[Operation].([Name] = """ & oOperation.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ And ([Organizational Process] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ Or [Organizational Process].[Aggregation of] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """)) And [RACI] = 'Accountable')") For Each oOrgUnit in oOrgUnits strOrgUnits = strOrgUnits & strCrLf & oOrgUnit.GetProp("Short Name") & " (Accountable)" strCrLf = vbCrLf Next Set oOrgUnits = Nothing Set oOrgUnits = oContext.Root.GetSelection("Select [Org-Unit] Where [Operation].([Name] = """ & oOperation.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ And ([Organizational Process] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ Or [Organizational Process].[Aggregation of] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """) And [RACI] = 'Responsible') Or [Assigned Participants].([Performed Action]:[Operation].([Name] = """ & oOperation.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ And ([Organizational Process] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ Or [Organizational Process].[Aggregation of] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """)) And [RACI] = 'Responsible')") For Each oOrgUnit in oOrgUnits strOrgUnits = strOrgUnits & strCrLf & oOrgUnit.GetProp("Short Name") & " (Responsible)" strCrLf = vbCrLf Next Set oOrgUnits = Nothing Set oOrgUnits = oContext.Root.GetSelection("Select [Org-Unit] Where [Operation].([Name] = """ & oOperation.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ And ([Organizational Process] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ Or [Organizational Process].[Aggregation of] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """) And [RACI] = 'Support') Or [Assigned Participants].([Performed Action]:[Operation].([Name] = """ & oOperation.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ And ([Organizational Process] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """ Or [Organizational Process].[Aggregation of] = """ & oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal") & """)) And [RACI] = 'Support')") For Each oOrgUnit in oOrgUnits strOrgUnits = strOrgUnits & strCrLf & oOrgUnit.GetProp("Short Name") & " (Support)" strCrLf = vbCrLf Next Set oOrgUnits = Nothing oTable.Cell(intCount, 1).Range.Text = oOperation.GetProp("Short Name") oTable.Cell(intCount, 1).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 0 oTable.Cell(intCount, 2).Range.Text = oOperation.GetProp("Comment", "display") & vbCrLf oTable.Cell(intCount, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 0 oTable.Cell(intCount, 3).Range.Text = strOrgUnits oTable.Cell(intCount, 3).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 0 Next End Sub Sub Generate(oObject, oContext, sUserData, sResult) Dim oWordApplication ' As Word.Application Dim oWordDocument ' As Word.Document Dim strName Dim strERQL Dim oTable ' As Word.Table ' Get the name of the current Organizational Process strName = CStr(oContext.Current.GetProp("Name", "Internal")) ' Build the ERQL query to get the Operations strERQL = "Select [Operation] Where [Organizational Process] = """ & strName & """" ' If there are any Operations If oContext.Root.GetSelection(strERQL).Count > 0 Then ' Start MS Word and create a document Set oWordApplication = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set oWordDocument = oWordApplication.Documents.Add ' Attach the .dot file so that you get the styles you need oWordDocument.AttachedTemplate = oContext.StyleSheet oWordDocument.UpdateStyles oWordDocument.Paragraphs.Add Const wdWord8TableBehavior = 0 ' Add the table for the Operations Set oTable = oWordDocument.Tables.Add(oWordDocument.Paragraphs.Last.Range, 1, 3, wdWord8TableBehavior) oTable.Range.Font.Name = "Arial" oTable.Range.Font.Size = 9 ' Populate the table with the data from the repository BuildOperationTable oTable, oObject.Operation("Order", "Short Name"), oContext ' Apply the styles TableStyleApply oTable BulletReplacer oWordApplication, oWordDocument ' Save the RTF data back into Hopex so that it can be output to your final Word document oContext.Current.GetRoot.SaveWordDocumentAsRtf oWordDocument, sResult ' Clean up afterwards oWordApplication.Quit 0 Set oTable = Nothing Set oWordDocument = Nothing Set oWordApplication = Nothing End If End Sub