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Determine the criteria for assessment on the application

Super Contributor

In the ITPM Module there is an assessment for applications, namely an assessment in terms of Business Value, Functional Support & Technical Efficiency. In this assessment there are several choices, namely Good, Medium, Low & Poor. The question is what are the evaluation criteria so that an application can be said to be Good, Medium, Low or Poor in terms of Business Value, Functional Support & Technical Efficiency, it is necessary to make a questionnaire to the user

3 Replies

Super Contributor

If we have carried out an assessment and have received the assessment results, what are the appropriate next steps, is it just providing recommendations and suggestions or is there something else that can be done?

Super Contributor

Thank you very helpful



The attachment depicts the aggregation schema for assessing the 3 application characteristics through the standard application assessment questionnaire.

Please note I had it translated from French with a translation tool.

Otherwise the questionnaire builder hopex functionality is made to create specific questionnaires with own rules and aggregation schema.
