‎15-03-2017 12:09 PM
We have a requirement to call VB macro from Java code
I am using following code to invoke a function "printme" inside a macro named myTestMacro
MegaObject myMacroObj=mgRoot.getObjectFromID("~kJbFxI4oO5EN");// to get myTestMacro
if (myMacroObj != null && myMacroObj.exists()){
MegaCOMObject thisMacroFromRoot =(MegaCOMObject)mgEnvironment.getMacro(myMacroObj.getProp("~210000000900[Name]"));
I am getting following error :
Exception in thread "main" MEGA Error 0x80020101
at com.mega.modeling.api.jni.MappModuleJNI.InvokeFunction(Native Method)
at com.mega.modeling.api.jni.ComObjectProxy.invokeFunction(Unknown Source)
Can some one help me what am I missing here. Thanks in advance.
‎16-03-2017 06:31 PM
Can some one please give some insight ?