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Search for Owner of Diagram

Super Contributor



I was wondering how to search for the owner of a Diagram in the Query editor?


I'm trying to search for Diagrams that a specific Person (System) is the owner of, (or created / modified), but I have not found any relationships that indicate this.


I'd also like to be able to list all diagrams, with an additional column returned that is the diagram owner / creator / modifier.


Any guidance would be much appreciated!

3 Replies

Thank you for the info stijn! 


'Much appreciated!

Honored Contributor

Select Diagram where Creator =&name


if you want to see creator / modifier in the result window of the query, you go to customize columns and select the ones you would like to have displayed additional to the name column.


hope this helps



MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner



Typically no person is owning a diagram. Rather a person can own an object, eg. a Process, that is described by a diagram.


You can alway search for a diagram being modified by a Person, by using the Modifier attribute.