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Object History

Honored Contributor

When activating the history in a repository by enabling the repository logfile, by default history is safeguarded for every change to every object type (metaclass). However there are some object types for which we don't want to keep track of the history or even some changes we have no interest in.


On the metamodel you can set extended properties for metaclasses and metaattributes and one is exclude from historic. This seems to allow me to configure the history to the situation I require. I'm just wondering if there are certain pitfalls/drawbacks when configuring history creation like this? Will compare and align still work between repositories? Any other concerns the community has in doing this?





2 Replies

Hi Jerome,


thanks for your reply, indeed best to be cautious. All the negative effects of setting the loggable off is not desired.


However I notice in the advanced tab of a metaclass an Attribute called extended Properties, there I can say exclude from favorites, exclude from historic, etc. I have tested with setting exclude from historic, but I don't see any effect of that in the repository. The history is still displayed in the history tab of the object.


We are using 2009 SP5, is there a way to configure history now or in the future? a bit like you can do with confidentiality, If I'm not mistaken you can say that a certain metaclass does not fall under the confidentiality concept etc. 






Hello Stijn


You are right to be cautious. This kind or customization (disabling logging for a MetaClass) can be touchy.


For each Metaclass where logging has been disabled, the following features will not be available (MEGA 2009 SP5):

  • Export of repository logfile from the Administration Console does not contain updates for this MetaClass.
  • Transaction backup logfile (external file) does not contain updates for this MetaClass.
  • View object history (tab General > History of objects)  does not display updates for this MetaClass.
  • View object history (Menu File > Properties, tab 'Updates')  does not display updates for this MetaClass.
  • Undo/redo is not available for updates regarding this MetaClass.
  • In the window displayed when exiting MEGA, the button 'Later' is not displayed if all the updates of the transaction are regarding this MetaClass

There can be more specific impacts especially regarding customizations and procedures to transfer data.

This has to be studied by the project/customer itself.


See also

