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Partner IT Service in an Application Environment

Honored Contributor


Curious why HOPEX allows you to add a "Partner IT Service" in an Application Environment diagrams (Structure, Scenario).

IT Services is an internal component of another Application.    So, when we add Flows or Interactions to the Partner IT Service - does HOPEX automatically add a Flow/Interaction to the "Parent" application of the IT Service?

For example.

Lets say I'm modelling Application Environment of Application ABC.   Then, lets say I create an Application Flow to Partner IT Service called IT Service XYZ, which is owned by the Application XYZ.

Logically - since I am modelling a flow to an Internal component of an Application - implicitly, I am sending the flow to the Application itself.   But - does HOPEX know that ?  Will it "auto-create" a new flow to the Application XYZ ?

Also - notice that in Application System diagrams (Scenario, Structure) you can NOT add an IT Service object.

Any thoughts/advice appreciated.

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