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No connect button?

Trusted Contributor



We are working with Business Process Diagrams, but we noticed something, if we right click on Org Unit element (in diagram) it appears  an option, "connect", and there you can connect another Org Unit and "other". But if right click on a business process element, there is no "connect" option/button, I'm attaching an image about that, question, it is possible to enable that button/option for Business Process element? 

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MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

This is by design. When you have inserted a  Participant into a diagram, you can right-click on the Participant and connect, among several types, Org-Units. The Connect button is dedicated to create the Assignments on a Participant.

The same option is also availbale when clicking the "Add an Assignment" button, usually placed add the top-right of the inserted Participant.

On a Business  there is no such assignment - therefore no connect button.