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Questions about installation v5

Trusted Contributor

Hi community

We are having some issues with the migration process, from v4 to v5. We tried to restore a repository without success. We followed the process into the manual, but there is a step in the manual, that we can´t see, a message in a pop-up "Your environment requires and update for compatibility with your version of HOPEX. Do you wish to run this procedure now?" We can´t see that message.
Also, we created a repositoy in v5 (instance 5001) with the same name it has in v4, exactly the same name in the 2 versions, then we tried to restore that way, and the modules are running in the HAS console, we can create user, asing, we can see the modules of that instance 5001, but if we want to login into the web front end, it wont load, it only appears a white background and we can´t see anything in the web front.
We are not sure what we doing wrong, I'm attaching some logs and png in order to bring some information that could help you to identify my problem.
The path we are following is correct, from HOPEX v4 cp5 to HOPEX v5 cp1.
Another question, we wan´t to see v4 in a tablet or cell phone, where are that configuration files?

2 Replies

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner


It seems that your environment is not properly/migrated:
1. Did you get any on screen error while migrating i.e. while running the "Environment Automatic Update"?

2. Did you get the message "Your environment is successflly migrated" after the migration?

3. Did you try to login in Windows client? If not, try to login Windows client, if the environment is not properly migrated, you might some errors there when you login - run the environment automatic upgrade from Administration.exe.



Regarding your first issue of not seeing the pop up ""Your environment requires and update for compatibility with your version of HOPEX. Do you wish to run this procedure now?". You don't need to see it to run the update procedure. Simply right click on your environment and choose Environment Automatic Update and run the procedure.



David Ingalls