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Migrate V2R1 to V4CP2

Super Contributor


I am looking for information on migrating to V4 CP2 from Hopex V2R1 .

Can i have V4 and V2R1 on the same server ? If no, how can I migrate ?

Do I need to install V4 CP2 on a new server ?

I have to install the V4 CP2 then migrate data ? so i need to run the two versions of HOPEX ?


thank you



4 Replies

Ok. also remember that V4 CP07 is not ready for migration to V5, untill V5 CP05 which will be released end of this month.



Super Contributor

Yes, I agree with you. But to use the version 5 or V4CP7 I have to go through V4CP2 according to the doc




you should considere using V4 CP7 instead of V4 CP2 who is not supported anymore.

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner



Pls remember HOPEX V4 is very close to its End of Support - think about V5 now.


To answer your questions:

You need to follow the procedure mentioned on the online documentation:

Can i have V4 and V2R1 on the same server ? If no, how can I migrate ?
May be but it certainly not recomended.

Do I need to install V4 CP2 on a new server ?
If your existing servers fulfill the requirements for V4 then you don't need the new server.

I have to install the V4 CP2 then migrate data ?

so i need to run the two versions of HOPEX ?

Summay of the migration steps:

  1. Order HOPEX License for V4 if required
  2. Take backup of existing megasite.ini files
  3. Take backup of existing web.config files
  4. Check/close open workspaces/locks
  5. Take logical backup of metamodel extension
  6. Take backup of environment folder (optional)
  7. Stop SSP on exiting server
  8. Take backup of SQL databases
  9. Check solution packs
  10. Uninstall the existing HOPEX installation
  11. Impersonation/service account details
  12. Install V4 on the server
    1. Create environment reference
    2. Connect SQL database
    3. Follow the migration steps from online documentation