‎07-12-2022 02:54 PM
When looking at the Properties of an application, in the menu there is a Line labelled "Properties" where we can create new properties with a Property Type, a Property Value and Unit.
What does this Properties means? Can I assume that I can add new properties to an Application creating a Property Type which could be a new attribute, then add the Value, instead of adding a metaclass in the metamodel?
Thanks for your feedback
‎09-01-2023 08:39 AM
sure I have looked at the documentation but nowhere there is an explanation of "Owned Property". Look at the diagram above, then select any application and under Properties, you will find Owned Property.
Warm regards
‎06-01-2023 08:50 PM
The question that you are asking is not clear to me. Have you tried consulting the documentation?
Here are some links that could be helpful.
I hope that this helps.
Kind regards,