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It is possible to send an email using a macro?

Trusted Contributor

Hi Community. 


As you see on the subject, I want to know if is possible to send an email according the macro's results?

For example, I have my "limit date property" defined. I'll set 30/07/2021 as limit date, it is possible to run a macro that compares this "limit date property" with the actual date, and if it's equal, send an email? 

It is that possible? 


4 Replies

Trusted Contributor

Thank you so much for your help. 

Kind regards. 



I have attached a screenshot that may help in locating the macro you are discussing:




Trusted Contributor

Thank you for the answer, one more doubt, where or how can I find those workflows? 

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner
Short answer, Yes

You can create macros where you check for certain attributes and then send an email. You setup a job in HOPEX Administrator that runs e.g. ones a day, and uses the macro. The macro checks something and then send the email. You will need to have SMTP configured in order to send the email.
Several of the out of the box workflows contains actions ( with macros) that sends emails as part of the workflow - use them as inspiration for your task.