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How to send notification from Hopex Workflow to Microsoft Teams Channel?

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner


With the boom of meeting software, and collaborative environments, we have been working extra hours on teams, I was starting to wonder if there was a way we can send notifications directly from mega to teams with least amount of efforts. 


So here is a very lazy solution to send workflow notifications directly to a teams channel with web hooks (Can also be used with email groups etc.). Now most of you already tried it and may have succeeded with a better solution following is mine, which may help someone looking for something similar: 

Following steps are pretty simple self explanatory however if you wish to see this in action there is a video link as well:


Step 1: Create a channel in Teams

Step 2: Create a "Web hook" Connector on the channel

Step 3: Copy the connector URL from the teams

Step 4: Create a new action with a new macro on any transition you deem worthy

Step 5: use the following code as a reference for the macro<Don't forget to replace URL with your connector url>

Step 6: Run the workflow and see the check the fun part


Dim mgRoot
Set mgRoot = objWorkflowContextAction.GetRoot

Dim mgobjWorkflowSubject
Set mgobjWorkflowSubject = objWorkflowContextAction.GetWorkflowSubject

Dim mgobjCurrentWorkflowStatusInstance
Set mgobjCurrentWorkflowStatusInstance = objWorkflowContextAction.GetCurrentWorkflowStatusInstance

Dim objHTTP, URL, user
set user = mgRoot.getobjectfromid(mgRoot.currentenvironment.GetCurrentUserid)

Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
URL = "<Connector URL>"
objHTTP.Open "POST", URL, False
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"

objHTTP.send("{'text':'Hello World from mega'}")
Set mgobjWorkflowSubject = Nothing
Set mgRoot = Nothing
Set mgobjCurrentWorkflowStatusInstance = Nothing
ExecuteAction= ""


Limitations: Server must be connected to internet or atleast be allowed to connect to the connector URL.



3 Replies


Yes, that's correct. 

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

It's a good alternative, but i believe for it you will have to setup SMTP. 


There is also another way to achieve the same result: every Team has a unique email address. You could create custom "Team users" in your environment, assigning them the Team's email address and then use them in your workflow transition.

