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How to see link comments?

Trusted Contributor

Hi community. 


I'm working with the intranet, and I'm working with technical infrastructure elements, I can create my list of Technical Infrastructure using a Query, and if I click any of these elements, I can see the diagram of any of these elements, everyhing great here, but now, I would like to see the comments attached in every relationship (lines) of these diagrams, it is possible to see the comments, just moving the mouse over the relationship? something like Hover efect? In other words, I would like to move the cursor over the relationship (aplication - server for example) and see the comment attached in that relationship?

It is possible to do it? how?

I'm attaching an SS about it and using red arrow to explain my point. 


Kind regards. 

2 Replies



You may be able to accomplish something like this through a customization. If you need assistance with accomplishing this we would recommend you engage with our Services team. Please feel free to submit a Support case and we will route the inquiry appropriately. 



Trusted Contributor

Sorry I'm atacching the SS in this second comment.
