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How to enable these options?

Trusted Contributor

Hi community.

Quick question. I would like to see these options in my HOPEX application, but I'm not sure how to activate them. Specially the button into the red square, "Meta studio console". 

How to activate them? I'm attaching an image as reference. 

Kind regards.

3 Replies

Super Contributor

This involves logging in the the Windows client - usually on a server.

You will need the HOPEX Customizer profile assigned with the options set to allow you to see Technical data etc.

Once you login then go to Tools -> Options and check the Start Page option as per image attached. You should be good to go but ONLY do this in a DEV environment and preferably after some training on Studio.

Trusted Contributor

Hopex v4 CP5. 

And yes MTS2 license it's available. 

How could I active it? 



Hi What version of Hopex are you leveraging?

Be default, the option is deprecated but should still be available with the consumption of the MetaStudio (MTS2) license token/module.