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Export Object Mgr (compare and align)

New Contributor


I have two problems, the first one with the object export function in Mgr and the second one with the compare and align function.


Hopex v2cp7hf01


1) When I try to export an object of type Data Model, the attributes that I added to this metaclass are not included in the export. Contrary to another metaclass, for example: Application, for which I find well the attributes that I added.

2) I also have a problem with the compare and align function, still with the Data Model metaclass, the customized attributes are not compared.

I don't understand why this happens, is there a particular point to configure.


thank you in advance for your help


3 Replies

New Contributor


I found the solution thanks to the support :Solution number: 00000829





Im not sure if the other post helped you with your situation or not but if you would like some further assistance please feel free to open a Support Case and we would be more than happy to investigate this behavior for you and provide recommendations.




MEGA Technical Support

Super Contributor


If you are talking about customized (added) metaattributes maybe your problem is due to the fact that you have not initialize the customized metaattributes correctly.

When new metaattributes are created in HOPEX you can define if a metaattribute is taken into account or not by Hopex tools like export or compare tools.

Also if I remember well the tools themselves can be parameterized to process particular attributes, links ....