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Delete Dispatch Changes

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner


Is there a way we can delete changes done by a dispatch? Because import and export and compare and align has created a lot of problems. 


Imran Usman Khatyan

3 Replies

There is no easy way since you have committed the changes into the repository. You have to manually clean up, or if you have a backup of the repository, you can restore that. Alternatively if you have a logical backup, you can try and do a (reverse) compare and align against that file. But the backups only wotks if you have a recent backup.

I do see those but how do i revert it back or get rid of those changes?

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

If you have dispatched the changes, they are now stored in the repository. You can however see exactly which objects and changed that has been dispatched by looking at the dispatch object. You can see it in the dispatch history.