New products features:
A new desktop for Integrated Risk Management is available encompassing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Internal Control (IC) and Incident Management. Therefore, a user who combines the roles of Internal Control Director, Risk Manager and Incidents & Losses Administrator, will get a desktop with all possible menus, functionalities and lists relevant to all 3 functional roles.
Additionally, a reduced version of the desktop is available to users with one or more profiles but without all three. For example, a Risk Manager will not have access to the Test menu item as this is an Internal Control Director (HOPEX IC) only functionality.
Risks can now be assessed in all their possible contexts with new assessment templates:
These templates are based on the original Risks per Entities template. The Assessed Characteristics and their aggregation are still the same (Likelihood, Impact, Control Level).
They are all available whether the Risk is assessed directly, via campaigns or through a multiple assessment table.
Multiple Assessment Tables have been updated to present Assessment Templates of both ERM and Internal Control. This type of assessments enables users to quickly assess multiple risks or controls in a single list, improving productivity.
A more intuitive wizard guides the user through the steps to follow when using this functionality.
It is also available for assessing Controls.
The Assessment tabs for both Risk and Control properties have been updated to accommodate the new Risk Assessment templates and provide a better user experience with an assessment wizard.
Results from past assessments can also be filtered by the method/context utilized. Instant reports are also available to analyze the evolution/distribution of past assessment results.
The following new widgets are available from the new dashboard:
To support Integrated Risk Managers during their daily activities, a specific menu dedicated to their tasks has been designed.
Risk Managers will be reminded of the following:
Incidents and Losses Administrators will be reminded of the following:
Internal Control Directors will be reminded of the following:
Other profiles including Action Owners, Action Plan Owners and/or Recommendation Owners (issued from Internal Audit) will be reminded of the following:
The new desktop allows users a seamless view of several concepts:
Presents a list of Risks that have at least one or more Open Incidents.
Presents a list of the Controls that have Open Issues recorded during their Testing or a list of Controls where the Mitigated Risks have materialized.
Presents only Requirements that have had either
Presents Incidents that could potentially trigger other Risks’ materialization or Incidents potentially threatening compliance to certain Requirements.
View Action Plans by type of benefit: “manage Incidents”, “remediate Issues”, “implement Control” or “mitigate Risks”.
Presents Action Plans that specifically address Issues identified during the Control testing phase.
Internal Control Directors now have the possibility to view either detailed or aggregated results of their Control Execution from each Control’s properties page.
Aggregated Execution Rates and Aggregated Control Pass Levels are also available from the ‘All Controls’ list.
Quantitative Instant Reports allow for quick analysis of Control’s efficiency and performance.
This release further enhances the integration of HOPEX Privacy Management with the EA suite. The main topics that are addressed in this version are:
1.1. Org-Units
A new section has been added to the “Import” menu. This section displays all existing org-units objects that are inherited from EA. The user can now select any number of existing org-units and convert them into:
Once the conversion is made, an object of type organization is created, with the same name of the org-unit it was created from. From now on the two objects are bound together. From within the property page of the newly created organization, a synchronization button allows to sync the name of the GDPR organization with the one of the EA org-unit, if it ever changes.
Displaying the synchronization button is an option, disabled by default, that can be enabled by going in the GDPR section in the user options and selecting the checkbox “Enable EA integration options”.
Convert org-units into organizations
1.2. ITPM Integration
ITPM and IT Architecture applications have two sections in the property page that are specific to privacy management. These are:
When an application is linked to a Privacy Management processing activity, the property page of the processing activity related to the IT application now replicates the info of the above-mentioned sections. In particular:
From within the HOPEX Privacy Management module users can edit everything. A button lets the user synchronize the HOPEX Privacy Management info with the ITPM one, using ITPM as master and thus discarding all changes done in HOPEX Privacy Management.
This button, as for the one to be used to synchronize org-units, is hidden by default (check previous chapter to see how to show it).
Button to synchronize processing element with ITPM application
1.3. Business Process Analysis (BPA)
Update 4 had a bug preventing users from converting BPA processes of level 2 and subsequent into HOPEX Privacy Management processing activities. This has now been fixed and therefore all BPA processes of any level can be converted into processing activities from the dedicated import section.
This version of HOPEX Privacy Management introduces application notifications. Below is the list of actions that trigger a notification. The users receiving the notification are all those with visibility right over the involved object.
Users can now export the record of processing using the CNIL Excel format. The report is hidden by default and it can be shown by selecting the option show in the image below.
CNIL Report user option
CNIL Report button
In order to support a few specificities of the CNIL template, the following improvements have been done to the solution:
Up to version V2R1 Update 4, data breaches and data subjects’ requests (DSRs) were visible to every user. We have now added a scope section to the data breach, similarly to what was already done for the DSR. Data breaches and DSRs without a defined scope are visible to every user, otherwise they inherit the same permissions defined for the processing activities: a user has access to a data breach or a DSR only if he is assigned to a legal entity or department in its scope.
To help the user during the completion of a pre-assessment and DPIA, the application now pre-computes the values of final risk and compliance level and subsequent action based on the 5 KPIs recalled in the assessment dashboard (legal basis, minimization, data subjects’ rights and notice management, data transfers and security measures).
The user can always override the pre-computed value.
Below is a detailed description of the implemented autocompletion rule.
Users visibility rights have been enhanced.
Visibility rights can be defined based on three main objects:
Within HOPEX Privacy Management, a legal entity is made of zero or more departments, each one of which has zero or more processing activities. Therefore, by default, the following visibility rights apply:
HOPEX Privacy Manager has 7 user roles:
Chief Privacy Officer
No restrictions are applied to this role. The user can see everything.
DPO, DPO deputy, GDPR Team
Users with these roles can only see:
Activity Owner
Users with this role can only see:
Application Owner
Users with this role can only see:
Functional Administrator
These users can't see the processing activities section.
The application owner profile has been removed and merged with the ITPM application owner. Now the user who has licenses for both ITPM and GPDR and logs into HOPEX with application owner role, will be asked to select what product to access to.
Following is a list of other minor improvements that have been introduced in this new release.
8.1. Making the solution less “GDPR” centric
Since the privacy market is evolving and we receive more and more requests from prospects wanting to have a more generic privacy solution, we have started to do a cleanup of the GUI, removing the term “GDPR” whenever possible. This is just a simple improvement that is part of the bigger plan to make HOPEX Privacy Management a global data privacy compliance solution.
8.2. Physical Person Dropdowns
We have been simplifying the way fields with create and connect options work. For the time being this has only been done for physical persons fields, but we envisage to apply the same approach to all other meta-classes. The objective is to get rid of the double arrow, to either connect or create a new object, and simply use a dropdown field whose first option is to create a new object (see pt. 1 in image below), and below it lists the existing ones (see pt. 2 in image below).
Connect/Create physical person dropdown field
8.3. Processing Activity Assessment Status and Last Assessment Date
A new column “Last Assessment Date” has been added in the record of processing activities table to display the date of the last assessment (either Pre-Assessment or DPIA, whichever is the latest).
Also, the “Assessment Status” field has been improved. Before it was a field whose value was either “Ongoing” if a DPIA was indeed ongoing, or “Done” if either a pre-assessment or a DPIA had been completed. Now, instead, we differentiate between pre-assessment and DPIA, applying the following rules:
8.4. Other Improvements
Other minor improvements include:
A new Excel template is available to import business terms and business information.
1.1. Case of simple Import
Users can import a list of terms with their definition and language by using the “Term” tab provided in the template. This import will create a list of terms in HOPEX and the corresponding concepts that include the definitions.
For Example:
Result of the imported file in HOPEX
1.1.2. Case of advanced Import
Users can import terms that are defined by multiple concepts, synonyms, components and states by using the corresponding tabs provided in the template (i.e. “term”, “Concept”, “Synonym”, “Component”, “State”)
Identification columns (Term_Ident, Concept_Ident, Concept_State_Ident) are used to connect objects to each other.
For Example:
List of Terms
List of Term Definitions
List of synonyms
2.1. Business Glossary Report with Computed Components
The Business Glossary Report has been improved to include the computed components of a concept.
In the example below, for “Order Item” concept, the “Order Item Amount” property is computed by the Rule “Order Item Amount Computation” that has 2 input parameters: “Unit Price” and “Order Item Quantity”. The rule description is: “Order Item Amount” = “Unit Price” * “Order Item Quantity”
Corresponding Glossary Report
2.2. Realization Graph Report
The Realization Graph report is a new report available from the reporting Tab in the properties box of an information. It displays the list of realized and realizer objects (i.e. concepts and classes). Users can navigate from Information components to their realized and realizer objects. It helps data architects to clearly understand the links between the business glossary and the data dictionary. It demonstrates lineage between business data and technical data.
2.3. Data Usage Reports Improvement
Dendrogram reports for data usage are now improved to view realized objects (I.e. concepts), so that Data Users can view data that are used in applications and business data in the same report providing traceability from data dictionary to application usage and business concepts.
The realization matrix now manages Information Area and Information Map and their corresponding items in the logical and physical layers. Three additional matrices have been added:
Existing matrices were: Conceptual to Conceptual matrix, Logical to Conceptual Matrix (or Logical to Logical Matrix), Physical to Conceptual Matrix:
Once the matrix is selected, rows (list of realizer objects) and columns (list of realized objects) of the matrix are defined by the user.
UI Matrix Improvement
Example of Information Map Realization
Read the second part of our release note to get information on new products features for: