‎08-01-2019 10:21 PM
given query below which works fine if run that query but giving error (attachaed screen shot) when using that query in website.
Could you help me on this..
Select [Library] Into @publib1 Where [Legacy Parent Library].[Absolute Identifier] Deeply ="zFtPWEd4LnKN" Or [Absolute Identifier]="zFtPWEd4LnKN"
Select [Organizational Process] Into @app_process_validated Where [Owner Architecture Container]:[Library]="[B. Forretning Arkitektur]" And [Organizational Process Status]="VAL" And [End of Validity Date]>&"CurrentDate"
Solved! Go to Solution.
‎01-02-2019 06:32 PM
You cant use an Operator directly in q Query. In this case you would have to attach a Macro to the Query which tests if the CurrentDate is greater than the End of Validty date