‎07-10-2014 06:40 PM
‎06-11-2014 09:54 AM - edited ‎06-11-2014 09:55 AM
Well it is working actually. I assumed that you knew about parentId
Here is the complete example:
[Component="Select Application Where [Name] = &name" Id="app"]
[Component="Select [IT Service] Where [User Application].[Name] = &name And [Parent Folder].[Name] ='WebServices'" Sorter="Short Name:A" Id="parent"]
<script type="text/javascript">
var sw = "[ComponentProperty=Name/]";
if (sw != null){
document.getElementById("WebSerB").innerHTML="Web Service que Consume";
else {}
<li>[ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/]</li>
<ol style='list-style:decimal'>
[Component="Select [IT Service] Where [Model of Service] In &parent And [User Application] In &app" Sorter="Short Name:A" parentId="app"]
<li>[ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/]</li>
‎05-11-2014 09:12 PM
I had already trying I get the following error:
The name1 setting is not indicated in the selector.
‎04-11-2014 04:22 PM
Not quite sure that I grasp what you are explaining but why don't you try that:
[Component="Select [IT Service] Where [User Application].[Name] = &name1 And [Model of Service].[Name] = &name2 " Sorter="Short Name:A"]
‎28-10-2014 10:59 PM
the situation is as follows:
<ol style='list-style:decimal'>
[Component="Select [IT Service] Where [User Application].[Name] = &name And [Parent Folder].[Name] ='WebServices'" Sorter="Short Name:A"]
<script type="text/javascript">
var sw = "[ComponentProperty=Name/]";
if (sw != null){ document.getElementById("WebSerB").innerHTML="Web Service que Consume"; document.getElementById("nd").style.display="none";
else {
<li>[ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/]</li>
<ol style='list-style:decimal'>
[Component="Select [IT Service] Where [Model of Service].[Name] = &name " Sorter="Short Name:A"]
<li>[ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/]</li>
This is part of the descriptor that shows me using a web services application in this case and in turn BPM- CONTRATOS shows the methods that has the web service is associated, as shown in image 1
what we want to show is the web service application that uses the methods of the web service that uses the application.
for example, in the picture it shows that the web service is associated ServicioProvedoresWS four methods ActualizarProveedor, BuscarInformacionProveedor, ConsultarProveedorEllipse, RegistraEvaluacionProveedor and the application BPM- CONTRATOS uses only methods and BuscarInformacionProveedor ActualizarProveedor want to display the information as shown in image 2
‎14-10-2014 01:21 PM
Not 100 % sure I understand the situation, but as far as I understand you are looking to include groups in your descriptor.
For your Application descriptor, you can add a new group which points to the web services (the IT service objets). Right click on the Application green folder of your descriptor and say New => Group. Than you decide if you need to write a query to find the appropriate objects or if you can use a MetaAssociationEnd. I do think the latter will work. Once you have the group, you have access to the information of the IT Service and can drop any metaAttribute of the IT service in the descriptor edit window.
Also have a look in the manual MEGA Publisher
Kind regards
‎10-10-2014 04:26 PM
What I do is this:
In MEGA I have registered web services (IT service) which are used or consumed by applications (Application) in turn are the methods that are Within Internal Architecture of web services (IT Service) which are also used or consumed by the applications (Application).
On the website I want to show in the application descriptor, consuming web services and the application of these methods to consume the web services application.
A Web service with their methods
Web Service (Method1, method2, method3, method4)
The X application consumes the webservice and methods 1 and 4
he wanted to be shown on the site:
consuming web service:
web Service
1 Method1
2 Method2
‎10-10-2014 01:54 PM
Your question is not clear.
Can you please give us more explanation about the issue you are facing?