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mj_asmnt.jar - Java file

Trusted Contributor

Dear community members ,,,




We have a requirement to change the width of the assessment node. THe width has coded in java , Pls suggest us the steps how to import this jar file (mj_asmnt -> ) and do modification in ecllipse and recompile it again .


It doenst mentioned in "All about starting with API's .PDF document .







Thank you very much .



1 Reply

Trusted Contributor

Well I don't think you should be doing it in the first place but here could be a workaround.


1. copy .jar file somewhere and rename it to zip for easy extraction

2. include all the neceassary jar files in eclipse

3. Make your changes and compile the class

4. zip the same extracted folder with updated compiled class.

5. Rename back to jar

6. take backup of the old jar and replace this file.