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Visibility of properties external reference attached

Trusted Contributor


I would like to know if is possible see more properties in the external reference attached? 


Using the Process Functional Administrator profile, I went to Process Desing>Processes>Business Process, then right click on a Business Process and properties, in the characteristics options, I went to  "Attachments", then selected "external reference" and it shows me the external reference attached to that business process, and it shows just 1 property, the "local name" of that external reference, question, it possible to add more properties there? like the properties we created? if is possible, where or how could I do that? 

I'm attaching 1 image that could help with my explanation. 



4 Replies

Trusted Contributor


Sorry but I can´t find that option you talking, I can see my properties yes, but only when I'm creating or connecting an external reference to my Business Process, I'm attaching 2 images to show these properties, and the places where I'm trying to add these properties, the properties already exist in the External reference object. 

No, in the example, the attributes have been added to the external reference. The property page of the process has then been updated to show these new attributes.

Trusted Contributor

I'm assuming you are talking about "explore" the object, right? The object I'm using is Business Process, and I'm attaching External Reference to that Business Process, so, shoul I find  the metaclass "Business Process", and there, add the MetaAttributes? 

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

Yes, you can. You need to add the MetaAttributes in the PropertyPage of the object where you are adding the External Reference. See example attached.External References.png