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VBscript to import a xml or xls file to mega

Super Contributor

Hi! Im starting to use the script editor en mega and i found out how to export objects using this code:


Set oBP=GetCollection("Software technology")
oBP.CallMethod("~Bav0cNnAjyQR[Standard for export]").SaveAs "C:\Desktop\MegaExport.xml","CommandFormat=XML"


and i have been searching and reading the import documentation but i dont understando how to import a file that contains objects to mega.

Is there a simple code like the one above for importing?



3 Replies


In the above example, MyDb is a MegaDatabase object that you can get in a Administration script from the collection MegaDatabases on a MegaEnvironmentObject

See for example KB


If you want to run the import from the script editor in a private workspace, the context is different because the repository is implicitely the current repository

In this situation:

  • Create a MegaRoot object with GetRoot function
  • Import a .MGR file with the MegaImport function (2 mandatory parameters: import file, reject file)


Code example (VB script)

Set oRoot = GetRoot()
oRoot.MegaImport "C:\tmp\import.mgr","C:\tmp\rejects_import.mgr"

Thank You Jerome! i´ll give it a try! 

I just have a doubt, how do you declare the mydb object?




There is a function Import on a MegaDatabase object


MyDb.import "C:\temp\test_import.mgr","C:\temp\test_rejimport.mgr", "Meta=Off,Technical=Off,Data=Full"