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VB >> Getting the text of an enum metaattribue

Super Contributor
Hey Mega Friends

I am pulling some data from Mega using a custom console application in
I am trying to get a value of an attribute that is an enumeration, the method I use usually is GetProp, but unfortunately this only gets the internal value of the attribute, is there a way to get the text value of this enum attribute ?

4 Replies

Thanks a lot. It worked 😄

This is the exact sytax as a reference for everyone else


Plan is a MegaMapp.MegaObject type object as used in a solution

Origin is an enum metaattribute of Action Plan metaclass


 Plan.GetProp("Origin", "External")


Happy HOPEXing



I dont recall the syntax 100%, but try something like ("myattribute","External").

You can also search in existing macros to get an example.

Hi hsoegaard,


Thank you for your response, where should I add external? can you give an example?


Thank you



MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner
You should be able to add "external" and thereby get the external value of an attribute.