‎09-02-2024 04:21 PM
good morning dear community
I have a question, when I import a .MGL or .MGR package should I update the environment and compile?
or should I just update the environment to take the changes, thank you.
‎11-02-2024 09:45 PM
If you are installing or updating a package from MEGA (a module from the MEAG HOPEX store), then you will need to update the environment. This will do the translate and compile by default:
If you are just importing a mgl or mgr package (eg importing a change from a different environment that you manage), then you just need to do a translate and compile. Running an environment update will take marginally longer (as it checks for other steps - but it will not need to run them).
Running a translate and compile after an environment update will be very quick as it will check that nothing needs to be done.