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Unable to patch...

Trusted Contributor

Hi community.

We did CP update, we followed the manual and it looks everything is going good, but at the end, when we try to do the "Environment automatic update", we received a message:

"Unable to patch a repository with existing transanctions, publishing or delete all transanctions first then restart."

We followed the recommendationm execute "remove not referenced repositories" and nothing helps. 

Also the recommendation of delete pending transactions in every workspace, but nothing seems to work.

What could be the solution of it? 



Thanks for your help. 

11 Replies




Could you please share the version of Hopex that you are trying to patch as well as the CP that you are attempting to use?

Did you make sure to stop all Hopex processes and services and delete the workspaces prior to running the CP update? Or were the workspaces only deleted after the issue was encountered?


