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Two quick questions

Trusted Contributor

Hi community. 


Question 1, It is possible to move one link from one object to other? I'm attaching an SS called "connect", there are 3 org process in that SS (org process 101- 102 and 103) and there is a link, the process 101 and 102 are connected, it is possible to change that link from process 101, and change it to process 103? or it is neccesary to delete the link and create a new one connecting 101 and 103? 

Question 2, I'm attaching another SS called "goes to a", there is an event into a red square, called Goes to A, it is possible to click on it, and send me to other part of the diagram where the process continue? 


1 Reply




Question 1 : yes

- in versions below V5CP2, you need to click and hold shift keyboard key shortcut to unpin the linkend 

- from V5CP2 onwards, you can freely reposition the linked end without using the keyboard, just grab the linkend and reposition


see doc :


and Hopex Ideas : 


Question 2 : you can use the same mechanism as previous / next processes used in the diagram initialization (e.g. on the event, paste the triggered sequence flow or vice versa) ; then the previous / next item can be reached using the drill-up ("diagrams containing object")


see doc :