19-07-2017 07:11 PM
Hi community,
we are currently testing V2CP3.05 in our testing environment, and several users have had issues running large reports. They will receive page load error pop-ups that prompt them to reload the page or ignore the warning. It often ends in their session hanging (they receive ERR004 errors when logging back in).
Are there any configuration settings that you would recommend looking at or changing to prevent these page load errors from occuring when running large reports?
22-10-2019 09:12 AM
The 2 options (Period of inactivity requiring authentication, Duration of inactivity before closing MEGA) are related to the feature inactivity management. The operating principle is to end the web session after a delay if no user activity is detected. I doubt this will help generate large reports.
HOPEX V2 is out of support now. If the issue persists with a supported version (HOPEX V2R1 Update 3, HOPEX V3), I suggest you open a case so that we can perform further investigations.
21-10-2019 05:45 PM