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SQL 22 supported?

New Contributor

Hi community, 

Quick questions. 

I would like to migrate our SQL version, from SQL 16 to SQL 22, SQL 22 it is supported by hopex v4?

Also, I would like to migrate our OS, from windows SQL 16 to windows SQL 22. 

Are these 2 version supported by hopex v4? I'm actually in CP 5. 

Thanks for your answer. Regards. 



2 Replies

New Contributor

Hi @AHassan, thank you so much for the answer and the comment about v4 is going out of support. 

Kind regards. 

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner


As far as I see, 2022 servers are not supported by V4 or at least they are not tested on V4 - Pls remember V4 is going out of support on 31st January 2024 (end of limited support).
