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Reports - Populating a report based on a query

Super Contributor



Is it possible to create/update a report based on an existing query?


End users would have a list of available queries, they could select an existing report or create a new one based on the result of the selected query.


Currently, the steps I follow to create my report are :

1. search for the targeted objects (e.g. active applications)

2. select all listed objects then export to a report



1. I create/update a report by selecting a query


Thank you


3 Replies


Hi @mrajih_DTCC,

If I understand well, you want to build an instant report, share it with other users, and give them the possibility to change the list of objects which are populating the report (e.g. via the selection of a query). User interface is not straight forward when it comes to this type of scenario, but it is possible.


Let's for instance build a pie-chart starting from a given list of applications, grouped by obsolescence risk.



I then save this report and share it with "User 2".

User 2 can access the report properties and click on the "Connect" button to change the objects which are feeding the report (don't forget to remove the existing ones in the list, if you want to start from scratch).


From here, click on the button "Query".


Via this button the user can reuse existing queries to retrieve a list of objects, or create a query on the fly.

In the example below I'm using the query which retrieves all applications which are in production and I run it.


Select all the objects returned by the query and click on OK.


You can now refresh the report and it will be updated based on the new list of objects.


Alternatively, you can simply share with the end user a pre-defined set of queries. It will be up to the user to execute any of these queries (for ex. the query which retrieves all active Applications), retrieve the resulting list of objects, and then build instant reports, based on their needs. 

Hope this helps.



Thank you for your quick reply.


My question is not related to report dataset definition but to graphical ones.


- List all applications

- hit the "Instant reporting" option

- On the popup select a type of report

- the report is generated

Unless I've misunderstood your question this sounds a lot like building a report dataset definition in HOPEX Studio, which is fed via a user-defined query (for ex. "Select Application where status="Active"). Starting from this dataset definition you can build a report template that you can make publicly available for all to use.
Does this sound close to your target?