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Recursivity Detected during computation of Attribute Variable Object Picture Identifier...


Recursivity Detected during computation of Attribute Variable Object Picture Identifier for occurrence Application E786F05952082CE0


How do I locate which object has the issue?

3 Replies

I suspect that this is happening because the application is listed as a variant of itself.   In addition, here is a Nugget v3 application that is a variant of Nugget, which in turn is a variant of Nugget v3.   


Is this the source of the problem?   WHat do I do to get rid of these self references?   What's the difference between "Variant" and "Variant of"



Found the object when I look at it I see this


Honored Contributor

I believe "E786F05952082CE0" is the hexadecimal identifier ("_HexaIdAbs") of the Application that has the issue. If you're  using the Windows client, open the "Start PAge", then enter that ID into the "Meta Studio Console" section ("Explore an object by its Absolute Identifier").


Hope that helps.