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Possibility to receive e-mail delivery notifications

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

In relations to workflows that sends out e-mail notification to users, is it possible to receive notification that the e-mails have been delivered?


It is a request we have seen from some customers, especially in HOPEX Internal Control, where the Campaign Manager would like to know, that the e-mail has been received by the control executer when the workflow sends out daily, weekly, monthly e-mails.

2 Replies


Hi Claus,

Thanks for your feedback. This is a tricky point that would require further investigation. Nevertheless I'm adding it to the backlog.

What I'm thinking of, but I am not sure we are ready to do it right away is to implement a mechanism like the following: the only way to make sure the email was actually received is either if the user clicks on a traced linked within the email, or if he/she download any image contained in the email. I'd exploit the first option, making sure that, whenever the user clicks on the link contained in the email, HOPEX counts the fact that the email was successfully received. 

Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts.



Super Contributor

Or maybe even sending them out again for those that lost their e-mails