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Org-Processes: Changing a participant doesn’t change the Org-Unit associated to the operation

Trusted Contributor



We have the following issue:


Organizational Processes: Changing a participant doesn’t change the Org-Unit associated to the operation


1.Creation of an Operation in the participant Swimlane of an Organizational Process diagram


As expected, both the Org-Unit and Participant are “Trading Support” in this case



2. We want to change the participant (another team does those steps now), so we remove the Org-Unit in the assignment properties of that participant for another one.






PROBLEM:  We can see that the link with the previous participant is still there in the swimlane, even though there is no assignment of two org-units in the participant


This is further confirmed if we do an explore on that Operation:




EXPECTED: Mega Hopex would unlink the previous Org-Unit in the Operation if we unlinked it at the participant level and re-add a new one if attached at participant level.

(In this case: Operations Optimizations would replace Trading Support at the Org-Unit level of that Operation)


Is it a normal behavior or is it a bug ?


Thank you

8 Replies

Trusted Contributor

Thanks again for your answer.
I have opened Case 00091290

OK I was not doing the test right, you need to have a least an operation within the participant to reproduce the issue. So this is not the same bug, it is a sync issue with the org unit / operation link used by the RACI.


I also had another case in mind (moving an operation from a participant to another), but yours is indeed not ok, so I think this is a new bug.


Could you create a case please ?





Trusted Contributor

Hi Olivier, 

Thanks for your answer.

I just updated to  HOPEX V3.00.03 (7.87.5455.0) in our DEV environment.

It does not seem to work in the fat client.

I tried to revert back to "Trading Support" and here is the result:








I could find a BUG 7442 which looks similar (although the operating mode is relying on the tabular entry in web client, but same symptoms) which has been fixed in V2R1 U03 CP02


a quick test in diagramming editor (still in web client, but it must work the same) shows it works in the latests CPs for these versions


- it works in V2R1 U03 CP 05 - HOPEX V2R1 U03.05 (7.85.5360.0)

- it works in V3 CP03 - HOPEX V3.00.03 (7.87.5455.0)



Trusted Contributor


Thanks for your answer.

There is the same issue both in V2R1 U03.01 (7.85.5072.5081) and V3.00.02 (7.87.5382.0000)




This must be a bug, but I think this has been solved in a CP ; In which version are you ?



Trusted Contributor

Hi Lars, 

Thank you for your answer.

The RACI doesn't seem to be the problem here.

At the participant level, as expected, it only shows the correct Org-Unit.



MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

I can see you have RACI enabled, try and have a look at the RACI tab for the Participant, which I suspect to be the "problem".

You can also disable RACI from Tools-->Options-->Business Process and Architecture.
