‎11-08-2017 07:08 AM
Hi Community,
We are facing performance issue with opening diagrams. While we open the diagram, the progress bar will come to half part and will stay there for more than 40 seconds and then start again. Even though the diagrams doesn't have lot of objects on it, this issue is happening.
We cleanup all the history records every day (night batch job).
We observed that, since we are cleaning up the history, this issue is happening.
Any suggestions please.
Thanks for your help.
‎16-08-2017 02:03 PM
Maintenance plan is a feature of SQL Server. It does not apply to Oracle storage.
For Oracle storage check, that the specific job is enabled for the appropriate schemas.
See above document page 27
‎16-08-2017 01:52 PM
Hi Jerome,
In the RDBMS Repository Installation Guide HOPEX V1R2-V1R3 EN.pdf file, I can see the instructions for SQL server maintainance (with some screen shots). But I didnot find any thing for Oracle store.
Can you please guide me, How I can do this maintainance plan in Oracle.
Thanks for your help.
‎16-08-2017 10:05 AM
For performance, a key elements is rebuilding indexes
With SQL Server storage, this is done by configuring a maintenance plan that includes a task 'Rebuild indexes'. See the article 'RDBMS Repository Installation Guide'' of the appropriate HOPEX version.
With Oracle storage, a specific job should be shecked for all schemas related to HOPEX data repositories or system database. See the article 'RDBMS Repository Installation Guide'' of the appropriate HOPEX version.
Not also that performances can be poor is the environment is not fully compiled.