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[MetaCommand] Launch Excel in Web client

Super Contributor

Hello everybody,


I would like to lauch Excel in the Web Client, using a MetaCommand with a VB Macro. The MetaCommand already exists and works fine using the Windows Client. It basically puts information from Hopex into an Excel file. I know how to make visible my MetaCommand in the Web Client but it seems that  the way how to run Excel in the Web Client is different and I would like to know how to do so.


Can anybody help me ?

5 Replies

Super Contributor

Hi @caly 


Yes. We implemented a MetaCommand to trigger a task in the HOPEX Scheduler executing the macro on the HOPEX server.


Best regards,



To my knowledge you cannot launch an Excel.exe from the server into the web front end. 


The logic has to be different !


For instance you could leverage Office 365 and open the web version of Excel inside HOPEX.


To interact with HOPEX Data you need to leverage the HOPEX REST API based on GraphQL starting from V3 CP3.


Hi @CWaltking 

2 years later, I'm facing exactly the same issue... Could you find a solution at the end ?

Super Contributor

Hi @Arunas. Thank you, I will do the same. Actually I managed to to so with HOPEX V1R3 for another of my clients (using the same code as for the Windows client), but impossible to make it work on Hopex V2R1 Web client. 

Trusted Contributor

Hi @CWaltking - I have recently installed V2 in our servers and trying to do the same ,  but it doenst work in V2 Web client  and even in V1 also . Will post in the community if i identify any option to do .