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Mega Integration with APEX( SQL) DataBase

New Contributor

Hi everyone,

I am working on the integration of Mega with the Oracle Apex database.
my main goal is to update the existing object (metaclass) in mega hopex automatically after few hours or one day as data changes after everyday in database.

I created a nodejs application that is fetching from DB and generates an object in json format.

Now I need help to create an object that fits to mega hopex related to a particular metaclass.  can anyone guide me to where I can find the template or schema of that metaclass?

I am following the graphql API to update the existing object.

below is the format of the data I have
this is dummy data I want to replace keys that are available on mega hopex related to the particular metaclass



3 Replies

HI @LMeden  Thanks for commenting 
I have this Metacclass





these are meta attributes for this meta class.
I have almost 100+ products related to this metaclass and each have different absolute identifier, Now issue is that how I can get each product avolute identifier and update each.
Second issue is that in the the data I have name are different as in attribute 

how I can map each entry to related attribute

New Contributor


MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

Hello @faisalbashir517 , not sure which metaclasses you are trying to update, but If your metaclass is not covered by any of the out of the box schemas, you must create a custom schema. See this how to