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Mapping Parent-Child Relationships Between Database Objects


We are new to using Mega. We need to be able to represent several databases as a single object in a higher level diagram. What is the best practice for doing this? I can think of 2 possibilities, 1) Revise the database metamodel to enable a parent-child relationship for a database object, 2) Create an additional database object type which allows a child relationship.


Has anyone done something similar to this? I would appreciate any assistance...



3 Replies


If you are talking about Process diagrams as "high-level" (so BPMN), the already existing object "Data Store" should be exactly what you seek for?


It is not visible at first, and you must enable it in the "view" options of a Process Diagram. But then after, you can use it as an "high-level" database, then join it to "component" "physical" databases directly in Properties.


Of course, if you're not using BPMN as high-level diagrams, then I agree your first solution seems to be really practical.


Thank you! I appreciate your guidance...

Honored Contributor

Hi Philippe,


I have not done this for database type (=metaclass). If it was up to me, I would go for the first solution you provide. I would not create a new type of object for this but implement a parent-child MetaAssociation if none of the existing metaAssociations are providing the necessary behaviour.



