‎19-05-2016 06:58 PM
Hello MEGA Community,
The current behaviour of the MEGA editor when opening a diagram is that the diagram is locked by the opening user until it is dispatched / discarded.
This behaviour is very cumbersome for our users given that some users open diagrams with only the intent to view, and have no intention of modifying it, however others who may want to edit the diagram are then locked out.
Is there a way to configure MEGA to default to opening diagrams without locking them (e.g. in a read-only mode), and having users explicitly open the diagram for editing when they need to (e.g. from the navigator tree, or an action on the diagram itself to "lock for editing").
Andrew Greff
Solved! Go to Solution.
‎24-05-2016 07:33 PM
Hi Jerome,
Thank you for your answer. I will indeed open a case for this feature.
‎20-05-2016 09:04 AM
Hello Andrew
There is indeed a preventive lock of diagram.
This has been decided to prevent inconsistencie when editing diagrams
There is not configuration to change this behavior.
Ex: if no preventive lock mechanishm existed
User1 opens diagram1 in edit mode at 9:00 so far no change is saved, diagram is not locked
User2 opens diagram1 in edit at 9:05 as not lock exist
User1 edits diagram1, add object O1
User2 edits diagram1, add object O2
User1 saves diagram1 and dispaches
User2 saves diagram1and dispaches
The result would be an inconsistent diagram drawing for diagram1 (drawing made by of User2 with object O1 on top left)
You request is rightful but it means an evolution
For example, be able to open a diagram in 2 modes
If you want to go further, please open a case and ask that an improvement request is created in the name of your customer account. This will be considered by product management for a future version.