08-08-2016 04:54 PM
We have attached MetaPictures to Software Technologies that have conditions.
We have set this MetaPicute to only show when a Software Technology is connected to the Hosting Area JBoss.
However even when a Software Technology is not connected to a hosting area it still shows this Meta Picture by default.
When we remove the vendor assoication the icon seems to go it's default even though none of the pictures have a vendor condition.
30-09-2016 06:06 PM
Hi Jerome,
Thank you for that information. However, we have noticed that the out-of-the-box behavior that opulates the MetaPicture of a Software Technology based on its association to a Vendor is still causing some issues - it will assign the same custom MetaPicture to all Software Technologies associated to a Vendor (directly or via inheritance). If we do not want to use the out-of-the-box conditional formatting based on the association to a Vendor, is there a way for us to deactivate that behavior?
Thank you!
18-08-2016 12:06 PM
When configuring computed MetaPicture, il is required to definie as last MetaPicture a MetaPicture without condition.
This MetaPicture will be considered if previous MetaPicture with various condition do not apply.
It will determine the default display
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