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Is there a default setting to display "Main Objects" tab in the navigation window


Dear All,


Anyone has any idea if we can set a default setting to always display the "Main Objects" tab from the navigation windows? One of our clients here always use this tab but whenever there is a new user using MEGA for the first time, he/she needs to manually go to View -> Navigation Windows -> "Main Objects" to enable this tab. This is quite tidious and our client just wants this tab to be opened by default so to avoid users' confusion.


Thanks for your advice!




1 Reply


Hello Nina


As far as I know, it is a design choice to drive users to browse the repository from a library (navigation windows 'Home').


Technically, the list of navigation windows displayed by default is hard-coded in Windows Front-End (Mega.exe).

You cannot configure it at project level.

So with the standard tool, you have to instruct users to manually display the navigation window 'Main Objects'.


Note that once the user has configured his desktop arrangement, this configuration is saved in a local file profile dependant (MEGASETTINGS.INI). So a lead for an advanced configuration would be to initialize the windows profile with a predefined file MEGASETTINGS.INI). The format/name/location of this information can change in a coming version (status is not public).

