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Intranet question

Trusted Contributor

Hi community. 

We created 2 intranets in the same repository, if we change the code in the site 1, these changes apply for the site 2 too, how can I change that? I would like to manage 2 independents intranets in the same repository, is that possible? or if I change the code in my site #1, then my site #2 would apply the changes too? 

Thanks for your help. 


4 Replies

That is the reason, you need to have two separate website templates for each website, if you want these two websites to behave differently. Either you can duplicate the website template or you can save the current website changes as template and use that one.





In that case, Duplicate the "Website Template", and make sure both Websites use separate descriptors. 

Trusted Contributor

Yes i mean changing the descriptor. And both websites are connected to the same website template. 

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

When you say change in the code, do you mean changing the descriptor ? If yes, are these websites connected to a same or two different website templates ?