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Imported image in shape editor is always white

Super Contributor

Hello everybody,

I'm currently creating new metaclasses an in order to use them in diagrams I'm creating new shapes in the shape editor.
I have to add a specific logo to the shapes so as to distinguish them from the original MEGA shapes.
For this I try to import the logo.
When importing, the image appears correctly, and I can resize it and position it in the shape.
Unfortunately, once saved, when I load the shape again, the logo has become a white rectangle, whatever the image format I use (jpg, tiff, png).

Here is a screencap, when importing the image into the shape.Shape Editor when importing image.jpgAnd here is a screencap when reloading the shape once saved.

Shape editor when reloading shape.jpg


Is there a trick to avoid this ?


Is there a maximum size/colour depth/dpi value that the image must not exceed ?


Thank you !

Best regards




3 Replies

Hello Philippe,


Thank you for your reply,

It works !
This means that the images imported in the shape are not embedded in the .mgs file ?
If they are just linked, do the source images have to be always present in the same folder as the MGS shapes or is there a way to configure a different location ?

Best regards


Hi Axel,


You may need to save the logo image file (.jpg or whatever the format it is) in your Mega_USR folder.



Super Contributor

Oh, and I forgot to say something...

I'm  using Mega Hopex V1R2 CP05.


Best regards
