24-01-2020 04:29 PM
I use API pour delete objets in a script VB on the server.
when I find an objet, for example an application, I want to delete the application and all others depending objets (services depended, etc.).
Support Mega told me to use iDelete :
mySelection = myRoot.GetSelection(myRequete)
Dim iDelete
iDelete=mySelection.item(i).CallMethod ("~bHnwJiVr3vZ0[QueryDelete]","","")
the method CallMethod select all objets, but il dose not delete any objet.
So I tried :
Dim wizard: Set wizard=iDelete.CallFunction("~AfLYxbu47b00[WizardRun]", "~ocabVQ92DzWE[Suppression d'objets]")
Unfortunately wizard.Run can not work in script.
Who can tell me how to delete after call ""~bHnwJiVr3vZ0[QueryDelete]" ?