08:24 AM
- last edited on
09:09 AM
Dans certains diagrammes, je souhaite pouvoir positionner des objets Projet à l’intérieur d’objets Zone d’urbanisme.
Type de diagramme concerné : Diagramme d’impact de projet (Project Impact diagram)
L’inverse est déjà réalisable. Et cela crée bien un lien entre le projet et la zone d’urbanisme (où le projet englobe la zone d’urbanisme).
Maintenant , pour réaliser mon objectif, c’est à dire l’insertion de projets dans des zones d’urbanisme, j'ai :
- créé un DiagramTypeLink dans le DiagramTypeView "IMP Projects" existant
- nommé ce nouveau DiagramTypeLink "IMP Projects" aussi
- relié à ce nouveau DiagramTypeLink la MetaAssociationEnd "[Projet.Zone d’urbanisme]"
- choisi le DiagramTypeLink InsideConnection "Component Container"
- relié à ce nouveau DiagramTypeLink le DiagramTypeParam "Project Impact diagram"
Ce qui donne :
[Rien dans paragraphes "Line", "Pen" et "Brush"]
Le résultat de ce paramétrage est que désormais je peux bien insérer un projet dans une zone d’urbanisme :
Mais le lien créé entre le projet et la zone d’urbanisme est le même que dans l’insertion d’une zone d’urbanisme dans un projet (cf. premier cas ci-dessus).
Avez-vous une idée de ce qui manque au paramétrage pour que le lien créé ne soit pas inversé ?
Merci d'avance !
12-10-2017 10:13 AM
Thanks a lot again Philippe.
Unfortunately these changes in the DiagramTypeLink didn’t improve the results.
I tried this:
I created the red parts:
- The DiagramTypeLink "IMP Projects"
- The MetaAssociation "Zone d’urbanisme / Projet" with its MetaAssociationEnd "Zone d’urbanisme détentrice"
[Nothing in paragraphs "Line", "Pen" and "Brush"]
I also modified the existing DiagramTypeLink "IMP CP Area". I checked "Unidirectional".
The result is that now I can put project in city planning areas. And the good links are created:
Do you think everything is correct in my settings?
Thanks again.
29-09-2017 08:11 PM
Have you tried changing the MetaAssociationEnd in the DIagramTypeLink to the one on the "Project" end? Or maybe changing the DiagramTypeLink InsideConnection to "Container Component"?
29-09-2017 05:22 PM
Thanks a lot Philippe!
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work.
I have the feeling the MetaAssociation I use in the DiagramTypeDescribedLinkEnd of the DiagramTypeObject is in the wrong way (the DiagramTypeObject linked to the new DiagramTypeLink I created).
The one I use is named "Project / City Planning Area".
- it’s Major MetaClass is "Project"
- and it’s Minor MetaClass is "Zone d’urbanisme" (CPA)
I would like to reverse them. More precisely, I would like to use another MetaAssociation in the opposite way. But this makes me change the MetaModel which is not insignificant.
Does anyone have an opinion on this idea?
Thanks a lot again!
28-09-2017 03:06 PM
If projects own the CPA, have you tried using the "element of the project" MetaAssociationEnd in the DiagramTypeLink instead?
28-09-2017 09:51 AM
OK. So, here is my question in English:
I would like to put projects into "city planning areas" (zones d'urbanisme) in diagrams.
Diagram type: "Project Impact diagram"
It is already possible to put city planning areas in projects in such diagrams.
And it creates a link between the projects and the city planning areas (where the projects own the CPAs).
So, to be able to drop projects in CPAs in diagrams, I:
- created a DiagramTypeLink in the existing DiagramTypeView "IMP Projects"
- named this new DiagramTypeLink "IMP Projects"
- linked to this new DiagramTypeLink the MetaAssociationEnd "[Projet.Zone d’urbanisme]"
- choose the DiagramTypeLink InsideConnection "Component Container"
- linked to this new DiagramTypeLink the DiagramTypeParam "Project Impact diagram"
This makes:
[Nothing in paragraphs "Line", "Pen" and "Brush"]
The result is that, now, I can drop projects into CPAs and it creates a link between them.
But the link is in the wrong way. Again in this case, projects own CPAs. But projects are in the CPAs in the diagram!
Have you got an idea of what is missing/wrong in my configuration/settings?
Thanks a lot in advance!