‎03-03-2020 12:43 PM
What I have done so far :
Using "Workflow Start meta command" macro I am able to start the workflow, but in the immediate workflow start wizard I am unable to auto fill workflow subject dynamically.
This is because, I am using default meta command of start workflow of respective 'Workflow definition" where :
is directly popping start workflow wizard, so I don't see any source to already fill in 'Workflow subject'.
Is there any other way to trigger workflow for 'workflow subject' dynamically ?
Kartik Jalla
‎01-04-2020 07:59 AM
Thanks for your reply.
Let me explain what I wanted to achieve :
When I create any object on MEGA, soon after creation of the object it should automatically trigger to validation request through workflow.
I do not want to explicitly send validation request workflow by again standing on the created object --> Rclick---> Request for validation (workflow).
So, with the help of object creation MetaWizard only I am triggering workflow instance using respective workflow definition.
Here, when I trigger this workflowinstanceCreator().Intanciate it simply opens workflow wizard where I need to again fill in my created object manually. But, I want to auto fill in created object dynamically.
Any suggestions ??
‎31-03-2020 11:36 PM
What do mean when you say that you want the workflow to be run dynamically ? Automatically start workflow each time you create an instance of a specific metaclass ? If so, you can just set that behaviour directly in the properties of workflow definition