‎20-12-2022 06:13 PM
I am trying to write some queries that return objects modified or created in specific time frames. For example:
Right now, I only know how to query for objects created/modified today using the "&CurrentDate" parameter.
For example, here is a query that returns all diagrams modified today
Select Diagram WHERE [Modification Date] >= "&CurrentDate"
Now, what I would like is to have a query that returns diagrams modified in "past 7 days" or "past 14" days etc..
Is there any special keywords for this in HOPEX, or are any calculations allowed and if so - how?
Solved! Go to Solution.
‎12-06-2023 09:26 AM
You need to have access to report Studio.
So a profile of Hopex Customizer, with a token MTS2 (I am not sure if other tokens give you access to this too)
In the menu Report studio, you can easily create queries implemented through macros, and write the macro itself.
‎07-06-2023 07:10 PM
A follow up on Macros.
How can SaaS customers develop macros? Which profile/license is needed for that ?
‎05-01-2023 03:57 PM
‎05-01-2023 03:31 PM
This query works...as soon as you have activated the "Display repository administration properties..." option :
Patrick Bessodes
‎04-01-2023 09:28 PM
A quick followup @PBessodes @CLAVALLEE
Do you know if we can use Date as a Request Parameter.
I envision something like this
SELECT Application WHERE [Modification Date] >= &"Date"
‎30-12-2022 04:17 PM
@PBessodes @CLAVALLEE Thank you both!
Good to know that macros is the way to go about this.
‎30-12-2022 10:37 AM - edited ‎30-12-2022 10:40 AM
ERQL doesn't offer this kind of capability today. You can only use system variable : &CurrentDate
But you can implement a query by a macro.
‎30-12-2022 09:43 AM
As far as I know, you would have to create query with a macro implementation.
For example, for the implementation :
Sub FillSelectionCollection(mgobjObject as MegaObject, vntSelectorID as Variant, mgcolCollection as MegaCollection)
Dim mgRoot, col
mgRoot = mgobjObject.getroot
col = mgRoot.getSelection("Select [Diagram] where [Modification Date] > '" & CDate(Now-7) & "'")
mgcolCollection.insert col
End Sub
Hope this can help.
‎29-12-2022 05:22 PM
@PBessodes Are you able to offer any help on this question?
I am writing some queries - and would really like to be able to have a way to return results "from last week" or "last month" or something like that.