‎11-03-2020 07:15 AM
Hello ,
I have written a Registered Query and Now I want to execute this query in Macro .
I know that we can use ExecuteSel command to execute a Query with parameters in Macro
But the one which i wanted to execute doesn't have any Parameters
Could some one help with the syntax to be used here .
‎01-04-2021 12:00 PM
Hello Mounika,
Maybe you solved your issue, but I hope this will be helpful for other people. I've found how execute a query without parameters from a VBscript :
set cColl = GetSelection(oQuery.GetProp("_Select"))
cColl contains the query result.
‎11-03-2020 09:18 AM
There are several example in HOPEX in the VB script macro. Search on the following item :