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How To Build Breadcrumbs In An HTML Descriptor

New Contributor

As I get asked this a lot and no one seems to have posted any code:

[Component="Select [Business Process] Where [Component] = &Name" Sorter="Short Name:A"]
    [Component="Select [Business Process] Where [Component] = &Name" Sorter="Short Name:A"]
        [Component="Select [Business Process] Where [Component] = &Name" Sorter="Short Name:A"]
            [Component="Select [Business Process] Where [Component] = &Name" Sorter="Short Name:A"]
                [Component="Select [Business Process] Where [Component] = &Name" Sorter="Short Name:A"]
                    [ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/]
                <span>:: [ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/] </span>
            <span>:: [ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/] </span>
        <span>:: [ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/] </span>
    <span>:: [ComponentProperty="Short Name" Link=Out/] </span>

This will work as long as your structure is reasonably consistent.

2 Replies

Got to admit that structure breadcrumnbs are the only thing that make sense to me. I've never understood people who want to recreate the functionality of the browser Back button; it just leads to questions with arbitrary answers that will only make sense to some of the users. E.g. how many steps back in the history are you going to show on screen? If someone clicks on the breadcrumb to go back three pages, does that act like the back button and reverse through the history or is it a new click? Etc.

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

Yes, if you want to create a Structure breadcrumb. You can also use a jscript to create a breadcrumb that will show the filepath, meaning the different pages you have clicked. It depends what type of breadcrumb you need